I've spent the last couple of weeks up in the attic choosing the perfect retro ornaments for this year's tree, unboxing our heirloom figurines, and setting up my Grandmother's beloved Christmas Village on the fireplace mantel. Everything is ready to go for our traditional family holiday.
Watching Christmas movies and old TV shows is one of our traditions, too. When I was a kid, we'd have to watch whatever the networks decided to show. But with our handy DVD player at the ready, we can screen our own favorites and even pause for a refreshment or replay our favorite scenes.
The only thing left is choosing the Christmas Classics we'll show back-to-back on the TV in the living room while football games run on multiple channels out in the "man cave". When I was a kid, the adults did the choosing, but the tradition has evolved to let the youngsters have their say, too. Now we get a pretty good mix of variety programming like old Bob Hope specials, cartoons new and old, and silly comedies like
Christmas Vacation.
I prefer the old school stuff myself, but in the spirit of the season, it's only fair to share the DVD player with everyone in the family. After all, Christmas is for kids, too!