Can you imagine leaving your families behind, giving up the comforts of home and laying your life on the line every day for the very things you left behind? Today is Veteran's Day, a day to honor the people who did just that.
I remember when my uncle was stationed overseas and we'd send him little care packages filled with his favorite foods, some personal sundries, the little things that meant
so much to him. But my favorite part of packing up a box for Uncle Jimmy was making a reel-to-reel tape recording of the whole family saying a few words to him. Then we'd all sing songs together until the tape ran off the reel. It was our way of honoring his service.
Today, the whole nation honors the service of every vet from every branch of the service. You can join in the national day of gratitude by finding an event near you. Here are a few suggestions:
- America's Parade. Veterans are invited to march in parades in New York City and in Los Angeles on November 11. This year's parades commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11, with special recognition of our Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Post-9/11 veterans, as well as our First Responders.
- National Veterans Day Ceremony. The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery. The ceremony begins at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans' organizations. But if you can't make it to Arlingington, lots of national and state cemeteries are also holding Veterans Day ceremonies. There's probably one near you.
- Moment of Silence. President Obama signed a new law calling on all Americans to pause voluntarily for two minutes at 2:11 p.m. EST on Veterans Day to honor the sacrifice of veterans.
There are also lots of free goodies and discounts for vets today. But here's the best gift you can give a vet: your time. Just spend some time with that special friend or family member who gave everything they you can have everything you have.
Happy Veteran's Day!