65 years ago today, Charles Schultz's first PEANUTS comic debuted in the daily newspaper. Now widely known as "the longest story ever told by one human being", the lovable strip has fans all over the world, has been translated into 21 languages and still appears in newspapers today.
To celebrate the day here are some fun facts you might not have known about the gang:
- Charlie Brown's signature shirt didn't appear until 3 months after the first strip was published. After that, he never took it off. (Except to wash it - we hope!)
- Snoopy had only one pet peeve: just like a real dog, he hated being patted on the head! (Dogs really don't like that - not one little bit!)
- The cast of characters started small with only Charlie Brown, Patty, Shermy and Snoopy in the early strips. The others came along later, relegating poor Shermy and Patty to bit players in the strip.
- Pig-pen's real name has never been divulged. Not once.
- The Apollo 10 command module was nicknamed "Charlie Brown" and the lunar module was nicknamed "Snoopy". Though they weren't included in the official mission logo, they were the unofficial mascots of Apollo 10.
I remember reading and clipping the Sunday strips more than the dailies. They were in color, a bit longer and because the funnies were the only part of the Sunday paper that sort of "belonged" to me. I still have a lot of those old clippings. Though they're faded now and hard to read, digging them out of the attic seems like the perfect way to celebrate this milestone day.