I remember watching Sunday football games with my dad almost every weekend. It was a great way to spend time together and an even better way for both of us to get out of yard work – at least for an afternoon. But we might not have had all that leisure time if it hadn't been for a meeting of the minds 95 years ago.
On August 20, 1920, the owners of four Ohio League teams – the Akron Pros, Canton Bulldogs, Cleveland Indians and Dayton Triangles – met to form a new professional league. Legendary all-around athlete and football star Jim Thorpe was nominated as president of the new league in hopes that people would take it seriously. The meeting led to the creation of the American Professional Football Conference (APFC), the forerunner to the National Football League that we all know and love today.
95 years later, pro football is one of America's favorite sports and I'm
still using game day to get out of doing yard work!