I've been
waiting (not so patiently) since January to see the new
Wonder Woman movie. But I waited a little too long to buy my tickets so I missed the June 2
nd premiere. Seems I was just one of many, many fans eager to relive childhood memories of the warrior princess. I finally secured a seat last weekend and
WOW! was it worth the wait!

With a take of $450 million to date, DC's new movie crushed the box office just like its Amazonian hero flattens bad guys. The film easily overtook
The Fate of the Furious and
Logan, landing right behind
Guardians of the Galaxy for top spot at the box.
Cash counting aside, Wonder Woman is a smash for good reason: it's movie-making at its very best. The characters are skillfully drawn, the acting is superb, and the story is both new and familiar.

It's cleverly funny, action-packed, and perfectly paced. Two hours went by like twenty minutes. When the credits rolled, you could
feel the collective "Awww....it's over already?" from the audience.
My friends and I left the theater dying to see
Wonder Woman 2. There's no word yet on when it's coming out, but Diana
will be back. With plenty of unanswered questions - Did Ares really die? Was he lying about Diana's origins? Is she a god or not? - there's enough material to make two or maybe even three sequels. I don't know when the next movie will be released, but I know one thing: I'll be watching the clock. This time I plan to be first in line to get tickets for opening night!