On Friday, December 20, 1957 Elvis Presley received his draft notice. He was ordered to report for duty on January, 20, but at the time, he'd just started filming
King Creole. Elvis was already a big star, so if he'd asked to be excused from service, his request might have been granted.

But The King didn't use his film career to shirk his civic responsibilities, "It's a duty I've got to fill and I'm going to do it," he told the country. Elvis was granted a short deferment to finish filming
King Creole and then he reported for duty - just like any good American would. He was officially inducted into the U.S. Army on March 24, 1958 - 59 years ago today.
Then Elvis The Soldier, serial number 53 310 761, had his famous locks shorn by an Army barber. It was a devastating moment for teenage girls everywhere.
Elvis' unit was stationed in Friedberg, Germany. He served in Company C, which was a scout platoon. Not surprisingly, he also entertained the troops with his music and the folks at home with news of his every move from enlistment to discharge.
My friends and I had
never been so interested in the nightly news. If our parents thought our interest in current events meant that we were growing up, they would have been wrong. We were just keeping tabs on our beloved Teddy Bear.