Portland, Oregon, the city whose unofficial motto is "Keep Portland Weird", just did something weird and wonderful to their bike lanes. They're using the standard bicyclist icon to memorialize fallen rockstars Prince and David Bowie.

But this isn't the first time Portlanders honored the legendary recording artists. For nine years, the city has held an annual "Bowie vs. Prince" bike ride as part of their Pedalpalooza extravaganza. Teams dress as their favorite artist and ride through the city making designated and undesignated stops to dance to the two artists' music and finally meeting up at a warehouse where a huge dance party is held. It's unclear how — or if — a winner is chosen.
It would be hard for me to choose a team. I'll never forget the first time I heard David Bowie's
Starman. It made me want to believe that there was someone out there somewhere that wanted to come and meet us, but was afraid to "blow our minds". And Prince, well he
did blow our minds with his raunchy lyrics, funky rhythms and absolute mastery of almost every instrument ever invented.
This year's ride is expected to be the last after the sudden deaths of Bowie and Prince within just months of each other, but a bicycle-themed tribute continues with bike lane markers unveiled by the Portland Bureau of Transportation over the last few weeks.
Maybe Portland is weird. But it's weird in a good way. Like Prince. Like Bowie.