Today is National Weatherperson’s Day–an official day set aside to recognize those in the fields of meteorology & forecasting. I think the weather “people” have the best job in the world. The way I see it, they get it right, no matter what they tell us, because they can use terms like “percentage,” “chance,” “partial,” and “probability”. Rain probability is 60%. Partial sun throughout the day. There’s a chance of snow this evening. Nice work if you can get it! I wish I could tell my boss each evening that there’s a high probability of me coming to work tomorrow, followed by a 40% chance that I’ll get everything done–and still HAVE a job! But that’s just me with my head in the cumulonimbus clouds.
Anyway, I thank you, National Weather People, for a job well done! In your honor, I’m keeping my umbrella AND my sunglasses at the ready!